
What is Tradetracker
How Tradetracker works
Tradetracker F.A.Q
Tradetracker F.A.Q

Q. Do all my salespeople require a computer at their workstations with Internet access?
A. No.  Many Tradetracker dealers don’t have computers on every workstation.  Many dealers set up one computer in the showroom and use it as their “Tradetracker terminal”.

Q. How much training is involved?
A. Tradetracker is very simple to use and requires minimal training.  Salespeople are using the system in a matter of minutes.

Q. Do I have to change my appraisal process?
A. No. Tradetracker does not change anything other than using a mouse instead of a pen to appraise a vehicle.

Q. How do I now salespeople will use it?
A. Salespeople can input an appraisal into the system faster than a handwritten version.  A simple process needs to be is implemented – no vehicles are appraised unless it is printed on a Tradetracker appraisal form.

Q. Who has access to the system?
A. Every dealership is given their own secure login and password.  Salespeople are given different levels of access to information than Managers and Dealers.

Q. How does Tradetracker make the dealer more profitable?
A. It eliminates costly mistakes on incorrect appraisals, the “Vehicle Index” allows you to sell trades that you haven’t won yet (no inventory cost), it eliminates the need and cost of printed appraisal forms, it brings accountability to the appraisal process

Q. Do I need to install complicated software to use it?
A. No.  Tradetracker is web based so you can access it any where in the world with an Internet connection.

Q. What does the initial set-up include?
A. It covers the initial time it takes to build and set-up a dealer account in our system, provide a full training session for each dealer, monitoring progress and policing effective system usage, system support.

Q. Does your system talk to the major DMS providers?
A. No.  The system was designed to be simple, easy–to-use and most importantly affordable.  The main focus is on the appraisal process.